Does The Implants Condition At Manufacturing And Packaging Have An Effect On Peri-Implantitis?

Dental implants have become standard treatment for replacement of single missing teeth, the fully edentulous arch, and edentulous portions of the arch. Dental implants have maintained a very high level of success for decades. Yet, problems may arise related to the bone to implant contact (BIC) leading to bone loss at the interface (peri- implantitis) and potential loss of the implant.
Peri-implantitis is a pathological process that occurs at the bone surrounding dental implants characterized by inflammation of the soft and hard tissues adjacent to the
implant, which leads to progressive bone loss supporting the implant. When not treated early enough, eventual loss of the implant can result. Peri-implantitis may appear early in the life of one or more implants or many years after restoration of the implant(s) and may progress slowly or in an accelerated manner depending on the causative factor and the patient’s host immune system.


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