Publication: Quality assessment of five Ceramic Implant Systems
Three Zirconia Implants revealed significant contaminants
Three Zirconia Implants revealed significant contaminants
In October 2021, a scientific paper analyzing a total of 25 implant samples from five manufacturers was published in the International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants. The study was initiated by Dirk Duddeck, CleanImplant’s head of research, and conducted with renowned scientists such as Tomas Albrektsson, Ann Wennerberg, Florian Beuer, Christel Larsson and Jaafar Mouhyi. The results of this study showed that, in principle, relatively clean implant surfaces are technically possible with ceramic implants, which should, of course, be the aim for all implant materials. The surfaces of the Champions implants (ZV3) and the Z-Systems implants were relatively clean. In contrast, the other investigated surfaces of the vitaclinical, TAV Dental, and ZiBone implants revealed significant contamination on their surfaces.
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